By Pablo Ruiz
Next July, a new NATO Summit will be held in Washington DC, United States, which recently celebrated 75 years since its founding.
Peace organizations from around the world will also meet in the U.S. capital to express their rejection of this military alliance that has been involved in wars in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Ukraine. The main NATO countries send arms to Israel, which is murdering the Palestinian people.
Kristine Karch, coordinator of the International Network No to War – No to NATO, one of the organizers, answered the following interview:
– Who are you and how did you come to the International Network No to War, No to NATO?
My name is Kristine Karch, I am a computer scientists, active in the peace movement since the 1980s, later also in Cuba and Latin America Solidarity. In the 80s we fight against new nuclear weapons (of the USA) to be deployed in Germany. I’m a founding member (1996) of Ecomujer e.V. – Feminists and Environment: an exchange between women from Cuba, Latin America and Germany, co-author of the German book “Vom Süden lernen – Lateinamerikas Alternativen zum Neoliberalismus”, issued 2008 (Learning from the South – Latin America’s alternatives to neoliberalism).
When we learned in autumn 2008 that NATO was planning its 60th birthday with a double summit on both sides of the Rhine in Strasbourg/France and Kehl/Germany, it was clear that we had to organize Europe-wide / international protests. All our nearly 400 member organizations from 43 countries have signed our founding statement “Stuttgart Appeal”, which is unfortunately still relevant. NATO is a war machine and belongs in the dustbin of history.
I’m a founding member of the campaign “Stopp Airbase Ramstein” the biggest US-Airbase outside the US, responsible for the US drone war, host of NATO commands, and hub for the transportation of soldiers, weapons and ammunition, not only to Ukraine but also to West-Asia. Since 2015 we conduct n summer a Peace Week with a Peace Camp, Public Events, Workshops, rallies and actions of civil disobedience. In July 2023, I was awarded the Peace Prize by the campaign for my commitment.
– Why does the NETWORK oppose NATO?
NATO is the biggest military alliance ever exists. NATO’s history is soaked in blood. The military alliance and several of its member states have helped initiate coups d’état and supported dictatorships. They fought wars worldwide, destabilizing countries such as Algeria, Vietnam, the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, resulting in millions of innocent victims and so called ‘failed states’.
In 1999 with the war against Kosovo / Ex-Yugoslavia NATO brought the war back to Europe, for the first time after 1945. This has nothing to do with democracy and participation.
China + Russia – enemy images
NATO is an aggressive military alliance, create Russia and China as enemy images and demonizing above all Russia and China stigmatising as ‘systemic rivals’ with recommendations that will lead to growing confrontation. Non-military solutions without domination and aggression are unthinkable for NATO. This even includes challenges like climate change, loss of biodiversity and environmental protection.
Nuclear weapons, NPT and TPNW
The No to war – No to NATO Network opposes NATO’s nuclear armament policy in violation of the NPT’s nuclear disarmament commitments and condemns the alliance’s disinformation campaign against the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Three NATO countries – the USA, UK and France – possess nuclear weapons and all are working on renewing them. Within the framework of nuclear sharing (NPT prohibits this), there are US nuclear weapons in 5 European NATO countries Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy and Turkey and they are now also to come back to the UK.
Although only view members of the EU stick to a policy of a neutrality and aren’t NATO members, the report suggests deepening institutional ties with the EU in military matters. Complementary independent European defence capabilities and military actions aligned with NATO goals are welcomed as part of a burden-sharing agenda that strengthens the military power of NATO. The goal of spending 2% of GDP for military purposes is shared by NATO and EU.
The No to war-No to Nato Network rejects the militaristic approach to security as expressed in the NATO strategy; which will lead to further escalation of the current wars and increase the likelihood of a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia.
Our society needs disarmament, diplomacy and cooperation, investment in health care, social services and measures to avoid climate change. Only comprehensive security in which diplomatic agreements are made with Russia and China on disarmament, confidence-building measures and economic and political cooperation can bring a just and lasting peace. The EU must not be reduced to a branch of NATO. Together with its member states, it should pursue an autonomous, peaceful and demilitarized security policy, building on the principles of the Helsinki Final Act.
2% GDP & Military Industrial Complex
NATO 2030 confirms NATO as a war alliance that serves the interests of the military industrial complex, not of the people. It will not bring human security. The No to war-No to Nato Network calls for the 2% standard for military spending and the armaments obligation (20% of the military budgets) – undemocratically decided at the NATO summit in Wales – to be repealed. The resources must be used instead to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and to enhance human security in general. NATO’s demand to increase military spending prevents countries from adequately investing in health care, social services and climate action. Disarmament is the central challenge.
Dissolution of NATO and the strengthening of the UN
The No to war – No to NATO Network will continue to push for the dissolution of NATO. It will work to empower the United Nations, as well as regionally inclusive civil institutions, in the pursuit of competent international platforms for conflict resolution, common security and sustainable development.
Therefore, the No to war – No to NATO Network firmly rejects NATO 2030. By diverting attention and resources to militarism, NATO 2030 will also make it impossible for the international community to achieve the urgent Paris Agreement climate targets and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. We need global solidarity and international cooperation to solve our common challenges: the pandemic, the climate emergency, and inequality. With diplomacy, disarmament and sustainable development through the United Nations system, there is no need for this western hemisphere-dominated, anachronistic military alliance. We continue to call for the dissolution of NATO.
– Is there a possibility that NATO countries will become much more involved in the war in Ukraine? Is this dangerous? What are the consequences?
The war in Ukraine is becoming more dangerous by the day as it becomes increasingly obvious that Ukraine cannot win the war. The USA is withdrawing from financing and the EU wants to continue supplying, while Germany has become the largest financier and arms supplier. Selisky is running out of material and soldiersLast week, Ukraine attacked the airport Saratov for the second time, but “fortunately” did not hit it, because not only is the nuclear-capable air force located there, but also the nuclear missiles. If these had been hit, we would no longer be sitting here. It is quite possible that the NATO states will have to become even more involved in the war than before. Macron is talking about ground troops and it is known that military personnel in various ranks and qualifications from France, the UK and Germany are deployed, mostly as trainers. Time is running and we have to send dipoplomats instead of weapons. Plans for negotiation exists and this is the only way to come to a just peace, otherwise NATO will produce the next failed state. Disarmament for development is the order of the day . we need the money for reconstruction, social, ecological and climate protection.
It is not clear how long Chancellor Scholz will stick to his refusal to supply Taurus.
– It was discovered that German military were “talking” about attacking a bridge in Crimea. Is Germany at war with Russia? What are the consequences of this?
This is a scandal, but for me more the content of the leak than the leak itself. Germany is not in a war with Russia, but the generals are proud of their weapons taurus and wanted to show what it can do to get the ok for the mission, but Germany’s involvement should not be visible. I wonder why there is no sign of disciplinary action. What is the real scandal that is currently still being covered up?
– Some argue that Europe has lost its independence from the US which imposes its agenda and interests. What do you think?
First we should clarify whether it is the EU or Europe, Europe is more than the EU. We should discuss the EU, because these are the economically and militarily strongest countries. Meanwhile the US backyard changed and the EU is the lapdog of the USA, much to the detriment of the eu and Germany in particular. Germanys’ economy is in the doldrums, prices, especially energy prices, are rising and so is inflation. The sanctions are a bummerang for Germany, we still consum Russian gas, but now not directly, it comes via India and cost much more. The Russian economie is growing.
– On Ukraine, why does the West prefer to continue the war instead of supporting negotiations?
I do not know, perhaps because they are in love with war and linked to the arms industry. I don’t know of any rational reason for the continuation.
– Why does Germany support the Israeli government that is committing real genocide in Palestine?
It is incomprehensible to me why the German government increased arms exports to Israel tenfold after October 7. It closes its eyes to everything that happens on the grounds of the Holocaust. And it doesn’t want to recognize its own genocide either, the first genocide in the last century against the Hereros. The USA and Germany could stop this genocide if they stop the arms export and the financing. One of our slogans at this year’s Easter march was: Germany finances – Israel masacres.
Anti-NATO activities
The international No to war – no to NATO network organize together with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CODEPINK, DSA International Committee, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Global Women for Peace United Against NATO, International Peace Bureau, NC Peace Action, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation,, United National Antiwar Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Vrede, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US, World BEYOND War a protest weekend (5-7 July) against the NATO war summit which take place in Washington DC July 9 till 11. All information are available on the new website
View PDF with activities: The international No to war
* Pablo Ruiz Espinoza is part of the Observatory for the Closure of the School of the Americas in Chile and editor of the magazine El Derecho de Vivir en Paz